
اليونيسف : لا يزال الأطفال في سوريا يدفعون ثمناً باهظاً لحرب ليست من صنعهم

اليونيسف : لا يزال الأطفال في سوريا يدفعون ثمناً باهظاً لحرب ليست من صنعهم
اليونيسف : لا يزال الأطفال في سوريا يدفعون ثمناً باهظاً لحرب ليست من صنعهم
Seated on a rug atop the dirt ground, girls complete homework outside their tent home, in the Kawergosk camp for Syrian refugees, just west of Erbil, the capital of Kurdistan Region. Jerrycans and other supplies are visible outside the tent. Enrolment in the camp’s tent school for children in Grades 1–9 has recently reached 1,966 students – representing a 36 per cent increase from previous figures. By 14 November, the camp was hosting over 13,100 refugees. In mid-November 2013 in Iraq, over 202,000 Syrians are registered or awaiting registration with the United Nations High Commission for Refugees. They are among more than 2.2 million Syrians – over 1.1 million of them children – who have fled the Syrian Arab Republic, with Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey also serving as host countries. Among UNICEF’s ongoing support in Iraq are programmes in water, sanitation and hygiene, including the provision of toilets, showers, hygiene and family water kits, and the trucking of safe water to vulnerable areas. Child protection initiatives include psychosocial support, recreation activities and life skills classes in child-friendly spaces. Education support includes the provision of tent schools and learning supplies and initiatives to increase student enrolment. As part of efforts in health and nutrition, the second round of a national polio immunization campaign was launched on 2 November and is targeting 182,851 children under age 5, including Syrian child refugees. The campaign was launched in response to a recent polio outbreak in the neighbouring Syrian Arab Republic. Working with diverse governments, partners and other United Nations agencies, UNICEF has appealed for a total of US$470.65 million to cover responses within Syria and all host countries. By 14 November, nearly 87 per cent had been funded.
اليونيسف : لا يزال الأطفال في سوريا يدفعون ثمناً باهظاً لحرب ليست من صنعهم
Seated on a rug atop the dirt ground, girls complete homework outside their tent home, in the Kawergosk camp for Syrian refugees, just west of Erbil, the capital of Kurdistan Region. Jerrycans and other supplies are visible outside the tent. Enrolment in the camp’s tent school for children in Grades 1–9 has recently reached 1,966 students – representing a 36 per cent increase from previous figures. By 14 November, the camp was hosting over 13,100 refugees. In mid-November 2013 in Iraq, over 202,000 Syrians are registered or awaiting registration with the United Nations High Commission for Refugees. They are among more than 2.2 million Syrians – over 1.1 million of them children – who have fled the Syrian Arab Republic, with Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey also serving as host countries. Among UNICEF’s ongoing support in Iraq are programmes in water, sanitation and hygiene, including the provision of toilets, showers, hygiene and family water kits, and the trucking of safe water to vulnerable areas. Child protection initiatives include psychosocial support, recreation activities and life skills classes in child-friendly spaces. Education support includes the provision of tent schools and learning supplies and initiatives to increase student enrolment. As part of efforts in health and nutrition, the second round of a national polio immunization campaign was launched on 2 November and is targeting 182,851 children under age 5, including Syrian child refugees. The campaign was launched in response to a recent polio outbreak in the neighbouring Syrian Arab Republic. Working with diverse governments, partners and other United Nations agencies, UNICEF has appealed for a total of US$470.65 million to cover responses within Syria and all host countries. By 14 November, nearly 87 per cent had been funded.
أكدت منظمة الأمم المتحدة للطفولة "اليونيسف" أن الأطفال في سوريا يدفعون ثمنا باهظاً لحرب ليست من صنعهم .
وأشار المدير الإقليمي لليونيسف في الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا خِيرْت كابالاري، في تصريح اليوم أن اليونيسف تلقّت تقارير تفيد بمقتل 13 طفلاً على الأقل خلال الأيام الماضية، في سوريا.
وأوضح في تصريحه أن اليونيسف تلقت تقارير تفيد إن الهجوم الأخير على قرية زردانة الواقعة في محافظة إدلب، شمال غرب سوريا، أدى إلى مقتل تسعة أطفال، مشيراً إلى أن حوالي مليون طفل يعيشون في إدلب كثير منهم نزحوا من مناطق أخرى من البلاد، وبسبب عدم وجود أي مفرّ للنازحين اضطرت العائلات لأخذ المأوى في الملاجئ الجماعية والمدارس.
وشدد المسؤول الأممي على أن تطورات الحرب في سوريا تظهر أنّ العنف لا يؤدي إلاّ إلى المزيد من العنف والكراهية والانتقام، ويزيد من تجزئة المجتمع الممزق، بعد ان اقتُلع ما يقرب من 6 ملايين طفل من ديارهم منذ بدأ النزاع، في العام 2011.
وختم قائلا، ليس هنالك منتصراً في أي حربٍ على الأطفال، الجميع خاسرون، والخسارة الكبرى هي من نصيب الأطفال ومستقبل سوريا.